
Justin Botillier, the CEO of Calyx CPA in Medford, Oregon, shares his insights and personal journey within the cannabis industry. His commitment to cannabis legalization began with his high school senior project, and has since evolved into a professional and passionate advocacy.

Calyx CPA, under Justin’s leadership, is dedicated to serving the cannabis industry, mirroring his commitment to justice and community support. He points to Southern Oregon as a historic hub for cannabis cultivation, with Southern Oregon Family Farms (SOFF) leading the charge. 

This region is celebrated for its deep-rooted knowledge, sustainable farming techniques, and the high efficacy of its cannabis products, making them some of the finest on the global stage. 

SOFF is particularly noted for its commitment to environmentally friendly outdoor cultivation, which utilizes natural resources like sunlight and soil. This method not only minimizes the environmental footprint but also highlights the unique advantages Southern Oregon offers over other regions.

Despite the flourishing industry, Justin underscores the significant challenges it faces, such as bureaucratic obstacles and widespread misinformation among consumers. These threats undermine the sustainability and growth of local cannabis farms.

Justin calls for robust community engagement and support for the industry’s mission. He emphasizes that backing this cause is more than just community investment; it’s an investment in the collective future. Such support is vital for the cannabis industry in Southern Oregon to thrive, ensuring it remains sustainable and prosperous for generations to come.




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